Essay: Jenseits der Mode liegt das Schweigen. Über die Unmöglichkeit das Undenkbare zu denken
Kleidung als kulturelle Praxis. Perspektiven für eine Modewissenschaft. Kleidung und Bildende Kunst, Kleidung und Architektur, Kleidung und Politik – in der Kleidermode finden sich vielfache mediale Wechselwirkungen. Kleidung, wenn sie zu Mode, also zu einer kulturellen Praxis wird, besitzt eine eigene Medialität und integriert als Mittlung zwischen Subjekt und Umwelt Themen wie Globalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und…
Exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt: GIVE LOVE BACK. Ata Macias und Partner
An exhibition on the question of what applied art can be today – “Give Love Back” is a quotation from the book cover of Come On in My Kitchen – The Robert Johnson Book. It epitomizes what the curators Eva Linhart and Mahret Kupka call the “Ata principle”: not the work itself is the centre…
Exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt: The Weather Diaries. 3rd Nordic Fashion Biennale
In 2014, Frankfurt am Main followed in the footsteps Reykjavik and Seattle as host to the 3rd Nordic Fashion Biennale introducing young-generation fashion-makers and established designers from Greenland, Iceland and the Faröe Islands. In addition to the designs themselves, the focus of the presentation was on the designers’ concepts and sources of inspiration, manifest in…
Publication: The Weather Diaries
When it comes to contemporary fashion design, the Nordic countries of Europe are anything but terra incognita. Brands from Scandinavia are well-established around the world and designers such as Henrik Vibskov have been lavished with international accolades for years. But what is it that makes Nordic design so exemplary? How do the origins of young…
Exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt: Draussen im Dunkel.
Weitermachen nach der ModeTime and again, the visions of fashion were able to disclose social conditions. Be it Coco Chanel’s designs, which accoutered the emancipated woman in practical and elegant tweed suits at the beginning of the 20th century, Christian Dior’s New Look, which heralded the end of economic scarcity in fashion after the Second World War…