Rund Table. Kara Walker’s art in the German context. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.

The American artist Kara Walker is presenting her extensive archive of drawings at the SCHIRN for the first time. As part of the exhibition, five protagonists of the Frankfurt cultural scene discuss the reception of Kara Walker’s art in Germany.

The artist James Gregory Atkinson, the director Oliver Hardt, the curators Mahret Ifeoma Kupka and Jeanne Nzakizabandi, and the choreographer Joana Tischkau refer from their perspectives to topics such as structural racism, the complexity of Black German history, the view on the Black body, and the challenges for Black cultural producers.

In her work, Kara Walker inter­ro­gates racism, sexism, and other forms of oppres­sion and violence in a provoca­tive and impres­sive way. She makes visible conflicts and trauma that are still felt today and deals unsparingly with the emergence of the collective American identity and her own personal one as well.

Link to the video.